Month: January 2023

  • One thing I regret not doing early on in life is learning to speak another language fluently. I did take some French in school but after I graduated, I didn’t stick with it. In the past couple of years however, I have been interested in learning it again (and much more than I did in school) and I have been using Duolingo to do so.

    Continue: What Language Do You Wish You Could Speak?
  • Today’s prompt for Bloganuary 2023 is “What is a song or poem that speaks to you and why?” and it’s one of the easiest prompts for me to answer: “The Anchor Holds”. Ray Boltz has been one of my favourite gospel artists for as long as I can remember and “The Anchor Holds” is my favourite song. It’s been the theme to my life.

    Continue: The Anchor Holds
  • If you or someone you know are in distress and are in need of help, don’t be afraid to reach out to someone. Remember, you aren’t alone. 💙 ☎️National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 ☎️Crisis Services Canada: 1-833-456-4566

    Continue: 💙Bell Let’s Talk!💙
  • Winter has finally come to my part of the world. It started snowing Friday night and went until sometime this afternoon. Needless to say, I did quite a bit of shoveling. Newfoundland is known for the amount of snow it can get although, there wasn’t as much last year as there is this year. In 2020 however, this part of the province had one of the worst blizzards it ever experienced. A blizzard they called Snowmageddon.

    Continue: ❄Winter Has Come!❄
  • I believe we all may have a different definition of success. Some may define it as working at their dream career or being the CEO of a major business. Some may define it as having a big home, driving an expensive car and/or being married with children. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with these things or working towards them, this isn’t what being successful is to me.

    Continue: How Do You Define Success?
  • The chore that has been the most challenging to me is sweeping which is unfortunate because as much as I do love having a clean home, I especially love having clean floors. It sounds like such a simple thing to do to sweep the dirt on the floor into one pile, then sweep it into a dust pan and dump it in the garbage. I mean, it does sound simple. However, it is the one chore I suck at.

    Continue: What Chore Do You Find The Most Challenging To Do?
  • For this prompt, I decided to take an online colour personality quiz and my result was GREEN!

    Continue: What Color Describes Your Personality & Why?
  • To be honest, I believe a billion US dollars is a lot more money than anyone should ever need or have. I apologize but I personally don’t believe anyone should have a billion dollars when there are so many people in the world who are in need unless they are actually using it to make a difference in people’s lives. However, if I were to somehow win or earn (which I much rather do) a billion US dollars, this is how I would spend it.

    Continue: If You Had A Billion US Dollars, How Would You Spend It?
  • Why Do You Write? Why do you write? That’s the Bloganuary prompt of the day and although my entry for it isn’t much, I wanted to provide some answer as to why I write.

    Continue: Why Do You Write?

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.