Day: January 21, 2023

  • I believe we all may have a different definition of success. Some may define it as working at their dream career or being the CEO of a major business. Some may define it as having a big home, driving an expensive car and/or being married with children. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with these things or working towards them, this isn’t what being successful is to me.

    Continue: How Do You Define Success?
  • The chore that has been the most challenging to me is sweeping which is unfortunate because as much as I do love having a clean home, I especially love having clean floors. It sounds like such a simple thing to do to sweep the dirt on the floor into one pile, then sweep it into a dust pan and dump it in the garbage. I mean, it does sound simple. However, it is the one chore I suck at.

    Continue: What Chore Do You Find The Most Challenging To Do?
  • For this prompt, I decided to take an online colour personality quiz and my result was GREEN!

    Continue: What Color Describes Your Personality & Why?

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.